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Statement and Prayers for the Nation from Dr. Alveda King, Alveda King Ministries

By Dr. Alveda King

What happened to PRAYING?


"Friends, I am saddened at the mockery of our leaders. Everything from the unprecedented invasion of President Donald J. Trump's home to the insensitive mocking of President Joe Biden for falling off a bike is evidence of a nation in need of prayer.

I am convinced that we need a miracle to avoid civil war in America. After more than half my life in the ministry and studying the Gospel, I am confident that miracles come when we stop and pray.

I encourage people of faith to take counsel from 1 Timothy 2:1-4. "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

Throughout my travels this week to meetings in West Palm Beach and through sleepless nights with tears and prayers flowing simultaneously for this nation, I know that, like me, many Americans are angry and confused. Our nation is experiencing a season of great tumult. We feel angry and grieved.

But I am also hopeful and prayerful that in this season, Americans will exercise the great freedom to pray for each other openly and boldly. Wisdom dictates that we stop attacking and devouring each other.

We must put politics aside and pray and face the "unseen" enemy head-on. I agree with my friend, Dr. Ben Carson when he wrote, ‘Never in my lifetime did I think I would see an American law enforcement agency be run and weaponized like the FBI this evening. This is a frightening development in our modern political arena. This is the way of Mao and Castro, not Washington and Lincoln. Our Republic is one where we have the freedom to think, say, and believe what we want without fear of government intimidation, that includes the President. If we lose those basic freedoms, we lose it all. I am praying for our country right now because I’m not sure anything else can fix what is transgressing. Pray for our country this evening. It can and will be saved because We the people are waking up.’

I implore people of faith to take a moment, breathe deeply, pray out loud, and believe the power of God's word.

The great abolitionist of the 19th century, the former slave Frederick Douglass, once wrote: "I prayed for freedom for twenty years, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs."

Pray on your knees, get direction from God, then get to work. Get ready to vote in all elections. We have a God to serve and a nation that needs Jesus!

About Alveda King: Dr. Alveda C. King is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and a Christian Evangelist. Author of the best seller KING RULES and WE’RE NOT COLORBLIND, she is also founder of Speak for Life, Chairman of the Center for The American Dream -AFPI, and currently serves as a Fox News Channel contributor and is the host of "Alveda King’s House" on Fox Nation and a NEWSMAX opinion contributor; a member of Optimist International; former college professor; and a film and music veteran. Alveda is also a former Georgia State Legislator, college professor, a twice assigned Presidential appointee, and a 2021 recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award.



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