Dr. Alveda King: Transforming A Culture One Note at A Time
It has been amply stated: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Add music and images to those words, and you can make or break a culture. I preface the release of three new music videos [Golden Thread, Grown Folk Business, and Your AM Can Change], and my fifth album with this message. ProLifeMusicGenre.com | Pro Life Music and Media
As a witness to and practitioner of transformative visionary justice, I make my case today for positive reinforcement of societal transformation. Through what to many seems to be an onrush and saturation of film, literary and music projects from “yours truly,” many are discovering my creative nature. While I’ve been in the literary and entertainment “industries” for over 50 years, this aspect of my life has been somewhat of a secret. Throughout my lifetime there have been certain constants: the foundational support of loving parents, the unconditional love of God and the transformative impact that music, art, literature and entertainment collectively have on shaping personal attitudes and global culture. For instance, during the Civil Rights Movement of the 20th and 21st century, I have seen music and other forms of creative expressions have the undeniable ability to either inspire and motivate individuals or incite war and violence and to depress and destroy communities. I wrote my first song Let Freedom Ring during those days.
Many of you know me as Dr. Alveda King, the evangelist and human rights activist. In the last several months, I have returned to the music and video studios and am excited to revisit the creative musical artist in me. As with my evangelism and human rights activities, my mission has always been to unite God's people, one human race. I have seen communities united under the banner of music, groups who think they have nothing at all in common, singing along to the artistry popular singers and artisans throughout history.
Do you remember when at the height of America's great anxiety and fear on 9/11, our once deeply divided members of Congress stood before the U.S. Capitol and sang in harmony, "God Bless America"? My 73rd birthday is around the corner. Thinking back on some favorite songs, like “What’s Going On”, “Love Train”, “I’ll Always Love You”, “What The World Needs Now Is Love”, “We Are The World”, and yes, “AMAZING GRACE”, I make my case. It’s time to come together again; with faith, hope and love; in music.
I’ve just returned from an amazing trip to Greece. It was such a blessing to trace the footsteps of the Apostle Paul.
It’s my honor to add other new projects to “the big picture.” Currently, I am streaming as “Harriett Tubman” in Dr. Ben and Candy Carson’s LITTLE PATRIOTS: Under Ground Railroad cartoon.
Also, coming soon in December I’ll be joining Destiny Yarbrough for a Christmas special.
“When peripherals collide, convergence is imminent.”
Dr. Alveda King
If you have an inspiring song or some other creative expression in your heart, the world needs to see or hear from you. Here’s how, Click Here. Now is our time; release the faith, hope and love today; in this generation, this decade, this year; on every platform.
God bless you.
Our ministry is funded by generous individuals like yourself. We have many ongoing projects that help us to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a world much in need of His message. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution to Alveda King Ministries.
About Alveda C. King:
As founder of Alveda King Ministries (www.alvedaking.com), Alveda C. King, PhD, uses her God-given talents and abilities to glorify God and uphold the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb, and beyond. She currently serves as a Board Member and Senior Advisor to Priests for Life, and as Chair of the America First Policy Institute’s Center for the American Dream. She is also a voice for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, sharing her testimony of two abortions, God’s forgiveness, and healing.
Alveda is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and Mrs. Naomi King; the granddaughter of Rev. M. L. King, Sr. and Mrs. Alberta King; and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As a Christian Evangelist, author of the best sellers KING RULES and WE’RE NOT COLORBLIND, she is also founder of Speak for Life and currently serves as a Fox News Channel contributor and is the host of "Alveda King’s House" on Fox Nation. She is a NEWSMAX opinion contributor; a member of Optimist International; former college professor; and a film and music veteran; creating uplifting “conversation starting content” to advance life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness from the womb to the tomb and beyond. Alveda is also a graduate of Aidan University and a member of SHE LEADS AMERICA, and CHRISTIAN WOMEN IN MEDIA. She is a former Georgia State Legislator, and a twice assigned Presidential appointee. While living a “lifetime of serving God and humanity,” she has been honored with many awards, including a (2021) Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award and the Cardinal John O’Connor Pro-Life Hall of Fame Award (2011). Evangelist King lives in Atlanta, where she is the grateful mother of six and a blessed grandmother.