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Dr. Alveda King: Thanksgiving Prayers


In America and to some extent around the world Thanksgiving marks the beginning of a very special holiday season. Many people say, “happy holidays”, while others recognize Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and New Year’s Day separately.

This Thanksgiving will be my first holiday without my mother Dr. Naomi Ruth Barber King who passed away earlier this year. Tis a bittersweet season for me; and for many others who are recovering from losses. Meanwhile, for some our world is reeling with the cataclysmic shifts caused by certain political activities here in America. Some are happy, and some are devastated. I’m praying for supernatural revival; a turning to God for answers.

In the midst of all of this I hear the voice of my grandfather Rev. Martin Luther King Sr., who after many of life’s victories and disappointments would often say: “Thank God for what we have left. I’m going on to see what the end will be.”

Granddaddy would often sing little songs which he would call ditties. I recorded a little song “Thank You Lord,” not long ago.

Prayerfully, wherever you are this Thanksgiving, you can pause and take a moment to thank God for something in your life. No matter how bad or hopefully how good life can be, let us always try to find something to be thankful for.

At any rate, please remember that Jesus loves us, no matter what. This season, please try to put Faith over fear. I pray and am grateful that the Holy Spirit is real. In Christ, God is our Father. By God’s grace, you are wanted. You are needed. You are loved.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
John 3:16-17 KJV

Personally, I'm grateful that I'll be with family on Thanksgiving Day. Salvation, family, and life are precious. Wherever you may be, God bless you on your journey; and as my grandfather would say: “Keep looking up.” Happy Thanksgiving.


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