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America’s Independence Again on the Brink with Hope on the Horizon Dr. Alveda King


As America’s July 4, 2023 INDEPENDENCE DAY observance arrives on the brink of more skin color and affirmative action disputes, global unrest, domestic debates, political battles and natural disasters, this writer dares to proclaim; fear not. Help is on the way.

“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The United States of America, that grand old experiment is still unfolding. Yes, we are in a precarious position. But we have teetered before. Consider this, we are recovering from a global pandemic, and there appears to be a sparking of revival in the land. Remember, when peripherals collide, convergence is imminent.

With the anniversary of the USSC Dobbs decision bringing a reversal of Roe v Wade, a recent poll reveals that there is an apparent awakening that abortion is a crime against humanity.

AMERICA AGREES… 71% of Americans support legal limits on abortion while only 17% of voters believe abortion should be allowed at any time during a pregnancy. *Rasmussen Poll 2022 This comes as no surprise. While America has been riven before, hope continues to spring forth eternal. Consider. The Civil War. The Civil Rights Movement. The Vietnam War protests. All of these have stretched the fabric of our nation, but it has not torn. Those challenges made us stronger, better. While I hope and pray we can withstand our current challenges; I know we won’t continue to survive without God’s help, and without being able to find a way to listen to each other. Yes, it breaks my heart to hear peoples’ pain; what with human trafficking, children mutilation, gang riots and so much more. Yet, I still encourage faith, hope and love. It also pains me to know that our First Amendment rights to free speech are being trampled by a politically motivated Twitter mob and cancel culture that decides what sentiments can be spoken and which must be stifled. However, again, we cannot lose hope. Meanwhile, we must all, young and old alike, relearn civility, to remember when we could disagree without scorching the earth beneath our feet. My beloved aunt, Dr. Willie Christine King Farris passed away last week. I so appreciate the prayers and condolences. I can’t help rejoicing that she is truly “free at last.”

The extraordinary Declaration of Independence remains the centerpiece of the Fourth of July holiday, which is still observed in America today. This year as we celebrate Independence Day in America, we have much to celebrate and even more to pray for. There is unrest here and outside our borders. Reports of terror and want flood our airwaves. And yet all is not lost. Now is the time to turn our eyes to heaven and our hearts to God in prayer for leaders who will agree with George Washington in 1776. "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." As we celebrate the holiday this year, please let us pray for repentant hearts, godly leaders, the sanctity of life and family, civil rights for the unborn, freedom from tyranny here and abroad, and the cessation of violence and strife among the members of the beloved community. Let us be mindful to do our part, remembering that freedom must be won and proclaimed in every generation, every decade, and on every platform. With Father's Day and Juneteenth behind us this year; and the Dobbs Decision PROPHECY before us; and I HAVE A DREAM 60 just ahead: NOW IS OUR TIME. I’ll close with asking you to visit the links of interest below and thanking God for you as you read this message. God bless you as we “keep hope alive.” HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY.


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