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Alveda King: King's Dreams for 2024


For media enquiries contact:

Brian Mayes


New Year 2024 begins with the observance of the Annual Martin Luther King Holiday, followed quickly by the Annual March for Life. I believe if my uncle were here, he would remind us to “learn to live together as brothers [and sisters] and not perish together as fools.”

As to the March for Life, I’m reminded of Uncle M. L.’s words in his last Christmas sermon: “When we value the human personality, we won’t kill anybody.” Human life and human dignity matter; from the womb to the tomb and beyond.

If at all possible, and where applicable, we should focus more on The Gospel of Jesus Christ rather than politics. Let your dreams, visions, prayers and plans align with God’s Plan for you. That includes voting responsibly; for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The greatest gift that my parents and grandparents passed down to me is a legacy of faith, hope, love, and forgiveness, connected to our family history that is marked by a commitment to service and compassion. While I would love to leave my children and grandchildren a financial legacy of untold riches, I know the most important gift that I can share with them is a true understanding and acceptance of God’s will for their lives.

One thing that is true of both tangible and intangible gifts is that they all come with return tags. For instance, the week after a baby shower or Christmas, stores are bombarded with people participating in the long-practiced ritual of returning gifts that they don’t want.

Today, many of us whose families passed on the greater gifts of legacies of morality and dignity are trading them in for beliefs that are counter to everything we were taught. I know deep within my soul that my parents and grandparents would be appalled if I traded their lessons and swapped them for depraved “gifts” and “honors” of this world.

“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

Matthew 6:31-33 NLT

Hasn’t 2023 with all its pain and joy flown by quickly? At this dawn of the new year, we have a remarkable opportunity to “shift the gears.” We can put God first in our lives every day.

As we move ahead in 2024, let’s imagine the blessings that are in store for us as we embrace faith, hope, and love; even as we “see” the challenges around us. Let’s seek the light; grab hold of the lifeline. Heed our ancestor’s prayers as we consider embracing those “legacy values” that many of us have pushed away while chasing the mercurial gifts of the world.

This year, as we hold on to our values and tools from the Kingdom of God, let us remember to pray, love, repent, and forgive. Let’s OCCUPY WITH AUTHORITY and build up GOD’S KINGDOM ON EARTH until JESUS returns.

While 2024 will likely be turbulent, and even frightening in some ways — FEAR NOT. Repent, forgive, and look for open doors and windows of opportunity even in the midst of storms. As the one blood/one human race of Acts 17:26, trust God and live. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Continue to pray for those in authority, vote responsibly; and pray for God’s grace, mercy, and righteousness to prevail throughout the year. Everywhere.

Coming in February: THE VISION TV SHOW.

Happy New Year, friends! In the words of my Grandfather Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr, "Thank God for what we have left." God bless you in the days ahead.


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