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Righteousness and Justice
Apostle B. Dwayne Hardin: Spiritual Legislative Council
To, weigh in on some issues. For example, “social justice”, sounds good, right? But if you look at the root word “social” - “justice”, is justice for what society believes not from a biblical basis. The perspective that we are supposed to follow is a principle called righteousness and justice, which would be God's civil rights system, right? There's a right way to do justice. They cannot be split apart. The “and”, righteousness and justice. The “and” is a [unknown] which marries the two words. One can't do without the other. One without the other; Righteousness without justice produces legalism. Justice without righteousness produces lawlessness. And so we end up in a situation to where we now have to make the Bible fit our social mentality, which causes us to compromise the Bible, the biblical worldview, the doctrine of the faith, which puts us in a very precarious position. And that's where we find ourselves today.
One my great influences, Influencers, Bishop Joseph [Gold?] He told me one day, I was at his home, and he said, all truth is God’s Truth. If it's true, it's God truth. And you must stand on it, right? So when we come to certain things, I think we're going to have a hard time finding unity until we put some structure back in place. Right? That is conversation, that is breaking down some walls, tearing down a lot of walls of division that are intentionally placed up by socialist systems, right? Which have stepped into the church, especially into some of where my community is represented, right? So we have preachers who are standing up, dividing based upon skin color. So now we worship the God called [skin?] whether it's white skin or black skin, or brown skin. So we have a unity issue.
So the Bible says in Ephesians, he said, some in the church, no matter what your doctrinal belief is, or your, this is my 15% that, how, when we get to heaven, how; forgive you for not agreeing. But there it says, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Very important point. And I'm going to skip a lot, but it says until we come into the unity of the faith, interesting. Not the unity of the doctrine. We discussed it. There are going to be some doctrinal issues, but if we can come into the unity of the faith, that one solid faith which we go back to Peter, when we go to Peter and Jesus Yeshua, he says, hey, you have you know, you you're about to fail. You're about to mess up big time. And Peter says, no, I'm not going to fail. I'm, I'm this is all good. I got your back. I'm going all the way with you. And he looks at him, he says, before the cock crows one time. You will have denied me three times, right? So he says, he denies him three times, but he says this very important thing he never said, I pray that you come out of that trial and that thing don't happen.
He says, I pray that your faith fails not. So the unity of the faith is what the conviction on what we say. So if I have a conviction, I won't be swayed. Neither will I be, tempted to compromise, which now causes you and I to be able to come together, maybe wrestling with some doctrinal issues out until we say, okay, we're still brothers.
However, the problem comes in because now we have this wall and it has nothing to do with Bible. It has everything to do with like skin color or Christian nationalism or Trump. So the truth can’t be the truth because Trump says it. So I think that's the problem with that, because we have been swayed to to still build this wall of division between us,. You’re white, you know, and [very white, very white, guilty.] You're you're white, and so I'm not supposed like you because society, social things say I should not. Especially during election season. Right. But I think where we have our biggest problem is we don't intentionally.
You and I met on an intentional conversation to work on some differences and to talk. And that conversation, we were supposed to talk 20 minutes. I think we stayed on the phone for about an hour or so to work out and to talk. We weren't mad at each other. It was just, how do we come together to build this and bring us back together? And I think the biggest problem we're having with unity is that we will not come together with intention. Willing to wrestle.
Two hours in church with people, and most of that is non-blibical. So they don't walk away with a biblical worldview. They walk away motivated til next week, right? So it is my job and responsibility. Apostolically, prophetically, evangelistically, pastorally and definitely as a teacher to begin to implement systems where we are constantly being infused with a biblical worldview and not simply a biblical perspective or biblical view. The reason why is because what happens is we can talk about this at this level, but the conversations have to go home to their children, because until we begin to put proper doctrinal input into the parents who can now put it into the children and even build, rebuild systems like we don't have Sunday school like we used to.
You know, I grew up every, every seven years, you will have gone through the Bible in some form or fashion, right? And so now we don't have much of that, but definitely we don't have a biblical worldview being implemented. And I think what's going to have to happen is we're going to have to build systems in our local congregations, pastors, where we say we are not compromising anymore. We're gonna teach the Bible. We're gonna [unknown], one more point if you can let me make this point. The Bible is a book of life, right? You will find that politics is all throughout the Bible. David is being political and writing psalms at the same time. Right. You have Jesus. He shows up on the scene. Herod wants to kill him for politi..., [unknown] wants to kill him, not for, just because he's the savior of the world. He says he was going to be a king. That was a political target that he put on his back. Right. Even the the, the, you know, the crucifixion, that was political talk. There was a talk between the Pharisees, Sadducees; Republicans, Democrats.
And the kingdom perspective. Right. So he was bringing the kingdom perspective. They didn't like that because it held them accountable to living better. It held them accountable [many other?] biblical, to a biblical worldview. Right. And so what happened is we ended up in a in a divide. And they want to get rid of him, Right? They want to get rid of him and they want to get rid of you. They want to get rid of Trump. They want to get rid of everybody that's bringing some perspective that causes you to be accountable. I believe that as pastors, as leaders, our our number one perspective has to be to definitely gain doctrine. You want to have that 15%. But at the same time we have to implement a biblical worldview. People need to see the entire Bible as their guide for living.
Um, Yes. I think, you brought up to one point. You brought up a great point. One of the points that you brought up is how they have progressively come together and unified. Right. They will fight over what we call the dumb stuff. They become very, very serious about the goal. Right. What is our goal? I think we've lost sight of the goal. I think we have set back and we have said, okay, I'm not going to fight this transgender thing because I don't want to get into no issues because they instantly think I'm voting for Trump. So I don't want to have to be a Trumpster, Right. When your kid is on his way to a clinic to get mutilated.
Right. So somewhere in here, we have to become more than intentional and disturbed and frustrated by being beat up by the death. Then we have to go in and use some of the tactics that are biblical that we are looking at and say we won't do what they do. Though some of it is good, like repeating some things. Faith comes by hearing and hearing, watch this. Don't even get to the Word of God part yet it comes by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing. Whenever something comes up, you see all of these, commentators saying the same thing. They get an email or whatever they do, and they say the same thing. Trump is the devil again.
And, And then you hear, Don Lemon, you hear this one over there. You hear that one over there? Black, white. It don't matter. It don't matter. They put those differences aside. And what we have to do is keep putting things in people's ear that is truth. Keep putting truth inside, people. Keep building truth inside them. We have to be very intentional. The last thing I'll say is we have to build systems irregardless, i’m gonna repeat myself. I don't care that you're white and I'm black, right? You can't stop me because you're white from being anything today.
The 13th, 14th, 15th amendment took that away. And I'm not willing to share the 13th, 14th, 15th amendment with no other group because it was not for any other group. It wasn't for LGBTQ. It wasn't for any other group. It was for one group. [Unknown] citizenship and equality under the Constitution. Now I qualify in the Constitution, I qualify. My forefathers did right. So I qualified at birth.
But the point is, I have to be very intentional that I can put certain things aside and quit saying, quit figuring out ways. And I hope I'm among friends now. So I'm hoping somebody is watching and hear me that we put things away. That say you're white and you're now a Christian nationalist. You believe the Bible is what it is, but because you're white, you're a Christian nationalist. And that is something we've got to get over. We've got to. Y'all just bear with me. We've got to stop trippin. You follow me. We have to stop deciding who's really, you know, those black people over there in that church? They're just. They're going to hell because they keep talking this social justice stuff. Well, maybe you should go to some of the churches.
Or maybe you should just show up and put them on the spot to have the fellowship with. I can do it. Right. And these these are things that we should do. I mean, these are some practical things. I'm going to show up. I don't care who invited me. You can be, whatever you want to invite me. I'm coming as long as I get to, you. Don't hold me hostage to what I'm supposed to say.
The prophetic message that I have to deliver, the [thought?] of God, whatever that is. I'm going to figure out how to communicate. I will fight with you if necessary.