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Dr. Alveda King: Open Letter to Commissioner Bridget Thorne

April 11, 2023

Dear Commissioner Thorne:

It was so good to see you at the dinner to commemorate world peace revival. Thank you for your heartfelt efforts on behalf of the people you serve.

As you read the proclamation, my heart was touched as I remembered the days when my grandfather, Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. worked so closely with elected officials and city leaders during his lifetime; in the midst of a tumultuous city embroiled in racial strife.

Together their efforts to bring about an environment of communication, repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation, caused Atlanta to be known as the “city too busy to hate” as they laid a foundation that needs to be remembered and strengthened today.

My uncle Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said: “We must learn to live together as brothers [and sisters] or perish together as fools”. He understood the scripture Acts 17:26:

          “Of one blood God made all people to live together on the earth.”

As the one blood human race, we must get past the racial dissension that can so easily divide us. My parents Rev. A. D. King and Mrs. Naomi King taught me well that the process of human reconciliation must always include repentance, forgiveness and positive communication.

Having served as a Georgia State Representative for House District 28 for two terms from 1978 to 1983, and twice as a presidential appointee, I have experienced many days of remembering and practicing the lessons learned from my parents, grandparents and uncle.

It is truly written that “love covers a multitude of sins”.

We must all count the cost when we lay down our lives in service to others.

Commissioner, again thank you for your commitment to human dignity. Please be encouraged as you continue your journey of service.

My prayers and the prayers of many who join me are for your success, and indeed the success of the whole Commission; that you will successfully communicate and build bridges of reconciliation on behalf of those you serve.

God bless you.

Dr. Alveda King
Concerned Citizen

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